Conversations with a Thin Girl: Considering this Large [Female] Body

Student: Kimberly Bruss
Course: English 481, Jon McKenzie
Medium: Graphic Essay
See this Project!

Description: I created this project as a response to an assignment Professor Jon McKenzie gave while I was in his English 481 class.

The project is modeled after several works we read in class, notably Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium is the Message." In the project, I attempted to dissect a portion of my identity that I have never before examined--living as an overweight woman in (specifically American) society. I look at the transgressive roles that fat women inhabit based on patriarchal standards of worth, value, and goodness. I also consider how fat and female--though seemingly mutually exclusive--attempt to reconcile in my own body. The theory of Susan Bordo and the extraordinary artwork of Garry Hobbs have also greatly inspired this project.

This and other graphic essays will be on display in the exhibit area nightly from 6 - 10 pm.

Project 56


  1. This is beautiful. Sad and beautiful and satisfying. I feel I completely understand. Thank you for creating this work of art.

  2. Thank you! The essay was personally difficult but wonderfully cathartic to create. I'm glad you've found something worthwhile in it.
