Student: Greg Arenz
Course: N/A
Medium: Graphic Essay
See this Project!
Description: The goal of this project is to illustrate Althusser’s idea of how the individual is interpolated into various ideologies of the capitalist state through the examination of the rock n roll musician as an ideology.
My intent is to critique the way in which musical talent only obtains value through formulaic discourses that seek to either interpolate the individual into a consumer or a consumable product. To achieve this goal I chose to parody the March 2010 issue of Rolling Stone magazine and to integrate my own experiences into the preexisting articles and advertising in the magazine. This project is personally very interesting in that it offers a window through which I can see the ways in which I have been interpolated into the ideology of rock n roll. I am amazed at the ease in which I was able to infiltrate the existing articles and plant my own experiences within them. This exercise of course brought a self reflection and personal critique of my own misidentification of the ideology as my own. I believe that this project has helped me become more aware of the discourses that I am operating within along with offering me the ability to consciously choose to use or reject these discourses rather than being used by them.
This and other graphic essays will be on display in the exhibit area nightly from 6 - 10 pm.
Project 57
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